"The ark is broke
The waters have taken overAnd its now that deep inside blue depths
Are stirred the cold shadows"

Searing images, smoking curves
Frigid curtains, distant lures
Let the blinds unfold
The crimes untold
And through the night
Let the dark deluge us into Neverland
I have a feeling

When you try to move
Waking up from a long sleep
The kind that makes you want
To not open your eyes
Because the lids have dried shut
And the tug to escape it all
Hangs in a balance
With the tyranny of fear
The kind you get
When you finally break the cocoon
And walk out into the city
Only to find the smoldering ashes
Of what was once a jostling reality
Tragic? No, funny

All you want to search for
Is that flickering spark
Beneath the coal and dust
I like silence
It might show less than there is
But it always says more than you expect
That is not why I like it though
I like the deafening emptiness
Because it makes me reach for
A voice that calls me home
Irony? Yes
When you live, you lose

No, I am talking about the Nobel Prize in Medicine for sequencing telomeres, discovering telomerase and humanizing the mechanism, two decades after the work was done
"What is a telomere?"
A telomere is when a man shares his spoils with two other women and doesn't get spoilt
"What is telomerase?"
Its like when a high achieving woman admits that she couldn't have done it without shoving in the founder effect

No, I am a pro-feminist, chow mein, and sexy
"Chow mein?"
I go both ways
"Ok, I get it all. You are just saying that women still haven't evolved on, from cave days!"
No, all I am saying is that they finally seem to have evolved off, a bit in the right direction!!
I'd like the poles to thaw out and the oceans to give in
I want everything
I want to fly above
To dig below
And to swim beyond
I want heavens to fall down
And infernos to rise up
And then, in the crumbling greed, blinking hopes
Climbing shadows, and tumbling dreams
I want the fires to burn down everyone
And the smokes to cover up everything
I want an end to all of us; and a beginning in some of them
Come with me because then, you might die but will never go to sleep again
At the heart of our mundane struggle
To survive the present moment
To forget the past
And to not regret the future - when it arrives at front and leaves on back
Lies the conflict

Heavens or stars
Happiness or hope
Bleaks or blanks
Roads or journeys
We are control-seeking priests, the primate beasts
Control is what we yearn for
And in gaining some of it
We lose all of it first
Losing the grip in holding it is not paradoxical
Its ironic!
Who are we?
Tragically insane
What does it mean to be us?
Insanely tragic
Let me ask it
Can you not escape the mind of Zeus?
Can we not just ask the questions through the day, everyday
Without knowing the answers till the night, each night?
Why is everything that you see lies outside the box
But what you want to see is inside it?
I don't know the answer

But lets just say that I like this conflict
No, I want it
Ills are finite, hope is immortal
And that is the only irony that matters
If you know what I mean
Mean is green. Man is yellow
Featured links:
What is Life? DNA: Story of a Crystal - James Watson
200 years of Cancer Research - Robert Weinberg
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