Tonight we meet 'a petty, unjust, unforgiving control-freak; a vindictive, bloodthirsty ethnic cleanser; a misogynistic, homophobic, racist, infanticidal, genocidal, filicidal, pestilential, megalomaniacal, sadomasochistic, capriciously malevolent bully.'

A radical fantasy
The greatest show on Earth
Its the dance of roaches
And I am the death of God
God of a replicating madness
The one who never was
I am a fanatic creed, born to a blithering lie
An exception to the rule, that proves the exception
A glacial fire in simmering waters
The other side of a mirror split
God kills God tonight
I am God's own revenge
L U C I F E R'If you are sleepy, let me put you to sleep'

Hello Babylon,
This night, its not a matter of choice
Its the choice itself
To the people, for the people, by the people
Sorry, into the people!
Since the enemy is inside the gates, I say lets give the public a service
And if they haven't died yet, they will now

No peace for martyrs
If death is what they want
I say lets give it to them
I am Socrates' poison, Giordano's ashes
And Galileo's trial
I am Machiavelli's last dream
And Carlin's morning glory
Because it took them 400 years to figure that it moves
And it will take them another 400 to get over it
Because 'its better to be cruel than kind'
"So would you like to be loved or feared?"
'It is best to be both loved and feared. But that is an exception. And when compelled to make a choice, anyone will fall to fear for security than love.'
"Why does someone have to die?"
'Someone has to die for others to value life more.'
"Are you saying that the blood of idiots doesn't matter?"
I am saying that it matters, but only to value that of the ones who are better.
"And whats all the talk about death being the same as sleep?"
'Yes, the difference is that when you're dead and somebody yells, "Everybody up, it's morning," its very very hard to find your slippers.'
'All you have to do is to walk about until your legs are heavy, only to lie down next.
And then the act will be done.'
So, I say let it be.
Hit me.
In times when the one who pronounces the sentence has greater fears than the one receiving it, only the question, the fire, and the dialogue survives.

Cock: Hi, we meet again.
Dock: Yes, your Majesty. We do, indeed.
Cock: I see that you love me but you fell.
Dock: Perfection, my Lord, is one thing. Idealism is another. Idealists do ideals, perfectionists do deals.
Cock: But you are neither. You are a cynic.
Dock: Fancy that, because a cynic is only an idealist disappointed. Broken, unsatiated, and unfulfilled.
Cock: That's human.
Dock: No, its divine.
Cock: You are not leaving anything for them to hang on to.
Dock: Losing all hope is one thing, having none is another.
Cock: You've been unhappy because you have desired things that cannot be.
Dock: Desire, my Lord, is the need for things that we can't have; for what we can, is greed.
Cock: It's an end.

"I am the Geometry Of Death, and you are my obedient puppet."
I am a riddle to the riddle, of the riddle in the riddle - from the riddle
I am a left to the left, of the left in the left - from the left
I am a rage to the rage, of the rage in the rage - from the rage
You are the pooch and they are the roaches.
Selfish hideous beasts crawling the planet with their consuming, relentless greeds
The portable opportunists chasing the fairies at the bottom of the garden.
They look up to the heavens and reach for stars but end up oggling at genetically unstable milk machines, holding at the rotting roots of the tree in heaven and its forbiddingly forbidden fruit.
Filthy, dirt based bipeds, jerking off at their erect pointless miserable priorities, no-brainer political one night stances, trying to make sense of their purposeless, infinitely dumb lives.
Me. Me. Me.
Its always about the me and my erotic escapades
The hedonistic algebra of the Y chromosome
How come you clean your balls every week, but forgot to shave your face?
How come you are the holy warrior, and I am just a revengeful loser?
How come mommy likes daddy's nuts, but sissy doesn't blow you?
How come you are all brothers and sisters, and dad is not a pervert?
How come all your women do hijab, and all your goats climb the mountain?
How come pornography isn't right, and mammography isn't wrong?
How come the Q book has all the answers, but you read it online?
How come an earthquake is God's shaking hand, and 9/11 is just a mullah's penis ramming into your mother?
How come you'll get virgin bitches in heaven, and I'll sleep with movie stars in hell?
How come I look like a dog, and you are the shape of my dick?
How am I a frustrated pervert, and you are the one enjoying all the time?
I am the wrath of their actions, and the deception of your words.
What makes us pretty, is what makes them ugly.

I am laughing at you and them
And you know, what I mean
If you believe in God, I believe in Hell.
Featured links:
Memes, Selfish Islam, and Infectious Repititis (Dan Dennett)
Going One God Further: 'Militant' Atheism and the Nation of God (Richard Dawkins)
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