"Poisoned bones, lost sphincters and a chocked airway"
You see, policemen are like control hungry freaks
The canines in the K-9s
The cruel duals

Like white cells
In black cloaks
Like bright masks
In a haunting obscurity
Guardians or slayers?
Killers who save the day
Or saviors that cave the night?
Lets have sanity for others
And yell insanity for our self-s
Less sadness for the ordinary
More madness for specials
Its wet, dark and dusty here
But thats what life is
"What would you like to order tonight?"
It was elegant, very elegant
That morning he wept like a baby

Into the falling mist
And the dawning dust
He crashed into her car
She walked out
He came up
"What's your problem?"
What's yours?
Smoke and turns

Blood and fists
The sweat waging me off
The tears raging me on
The blood whispering me two
The fears gauging me too
In the seeds of life is the secret of death
So its time we opened Pandora's box
And cracked the replicators: the first and the second
Through molecules, metaphors and mystery
On cancer, censors and controls
Of memes, mutations and irony
Inside the microscope that night, there was an error that selected itself
Is the oncologist the malignant gone benign or the benign came malignant?
It was an evening
She was lying to the right
I was slouching to the left
She was in sweat, urine and poop

She had no hunger, only pain
I had no food, only stains
She had no blood to die
I had just the flood to live
All that, and she had only one question for me
May be I didn't have the answer to that
But then the answer had me
There is a point in evolution
The nadir in extinction
The zenith of survival
Where every answer becomes a question
Each pain becomes a pleasure
Every tear brings a treasure

Every word is a world
Each point is a sentence
Sanctions are actions
Actions, no controls
Angels are demons
Demons are shamans
Awoke is smoke
Smoke is amok
Pure is not sure
Sure is no cure
Each chemical - a constant
Each constant - a physical
Variation is an end
Static is no beginning

One stare can change everything
It transforms, it burns, it breaks
It leads us to passion
Passion is not a rule
No rules is cancer
Or is it?
It is the control beyond the control
The rhythms inside the system ordinaire
The inevitable curse of the genomic shadow
Cancer is life, staring into itself
The stare itself, is just life living out of oneself

He just doesn't have no eyes
He has bad ears, and a really bad right brain
Yet he 'puts all constants in place'
And 'places every block in the watch'
Yes, that would be true
If we hadn't invented him for that job
In the first place!
The truth is that there is no truth, that we know of
Except that genome is out of the forest, and the beast is out of genome
Sensibility ends where curiosity begins
Because they lie in the same jar as hope
At the bottom of it
So, you think you can save the world
No, you want the world to save you
But this is how it works
Save the self first
If you fight long enough
If you dive deep enough
You will not save yourself
But you might just save someone
May be I have nothing for you
But then the nothing has me
What separates us is this 'terrible silence at bay'
But the irony of it all is what I want
And may be so do you
Why liberates why?
Who saves who?
And that is just another question
Irony is when you walk a lonely road screaming
And everyone stares from the sidewalk in quiet
'Life is not hopeless, we are hopelessly human'
Sometimes 'a cigar is just a cigar'
But, only to the one holding it
And thinking at the same time
To everyone else, its always the same
Some lights and good ol' smokes
'I know that I know nothing but you don't either'
And that is the point.
Featured links:
Intersections in Degeneration and Cancer - Eva Vertes
New Lessons in Cancer Research - Jacqueline Lees
Image courtesy (the policeman): Angelo Aldo Filippin @ Flickr
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