Thursday, October 1, 2009

3a #2 Surgery Spins (1b)

"Success is a fleeting moment. Failures are forever"

A passing shadow
A wuthering height
A creeping silence
A distant sight

A dance of colors
And the lights of a morning

There was a moment
When time was broken
And the darkness filled everything

S u t u r e s  today

He will go out there
Into the wild
And the battlefield

To win the whole damn world
To conquer every continent
To quest all oceans

To break all ice
To put off all the fire
And tears

Only to name all of it - to no one

And at the end of it
He'll start again

From the depths of a nadir
Point blank, pitch black

He'll rise again
From the ashes
Burnt red, cold gray

Once again, the whole world
Every continent, each ocean
All ice, every fire
Each cursed tear

And he'll name all of it to no one - then again

He'll do it a million times in a billion years
Over and over
Yet over again

And then, he'll go away in posterity
For the next zillion

Down the black and blue, into the abyss
Beyond the point, of no return

One breath
One kiss
And an eternity


Pretentious sucks
Shady shoots
Shoddy schmucks

11 of them
Crazy bucks
Lots of gems

Bad communication skills
Worse television drills
Worst bedside manners

So, this is what they ask of us

We can either accept it through their words
Denying it all in our actions

Or we can just deny it in our words
Accepting them in their actions

Am I the only one who thinks that it's just plain dumb?

Yes, I fell
It was my first

Where Newton saw gravity
I see a fall
Where Einstein saw curvature
I see learning

Learning to fly

Not always, but only at times
Some times
Most of the time

I fell first
I flew second

And it has worked ok
So far


Love is a bleeding artery

The stronger you hold it, the faster it slips
The gentler you go in, the harder it gets

It's about the thirst
For more

The red of the other
And a struggle to control

While we watch it, getting sucked in the drains
Coping with our own bleeding death, in time

The surgical intellect is borne out of a misery
That we fear death - the most, arguably

Coming from a century of war
Moving in an age of information

Through an era of quantum
Towards the times of nano

Bringing pain
Craving blood
And fearing it just enough
To fight it

With steel in hands
Armor on torso
And a clock ticking the minds on

We cut their body
To cure our soul

Cracked and cooked outside
Butter and dough inside

Blue exteriors
Gray skins
Red inferiors

Raging emotions
Gauging brains
Caging arms

Dear (s) in mind
Fear (s) on brain

Music in hands
Smells on fingers
And palms on pain

So again, the bleeding spot

We can tie it with polymers
While someone presses it for us

Struggling patience, impending doom

We can burn it with volts
While carbon turns black
And matter burns ugly

Fiery thunders, torrid fumes

Or we can just leave it all, on its own

And if we judge it good enough
The walls will close down long enough
The fluids will freeze up strong enough

And they'll last through that day

That night
To the other day
That next morning round


Sure, I am a big fan

Questions to known
Answers to unknown

One question, every morning
And another one, each evening
Some answers in between

And the fairly unfairs, every night

May be I will never get what that bleeding vessel is all about
But here is what I know

I want to be in OR with the sun
In lab through the dark
On a machine in the dusk
And a scalpel through the dawn

I want it all
I'll do it myself
And guess what
I'll use all of you to climb

But the thirst will never go away
The blood will never stop
The pain will never drop

And that is why
I am a surgeon, in jeans

Who are you?

Featured link: Relief, Redemption and Second Chances of a Surgeon - Sherwin Nuland

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