Monday, October 19, 2009

4 #2 Mortal, Motels, & More-tells: (2) Motels

          "What separates the first and last is between
          After first, is behind and beyond
          After that, is upwards, backwards and again
          And then, there is distance"

A distant ship
On the far edge of an ocean
Doesn't disappear

It just goes into the horizon

Because the cell divides
And that is the rule



Life has a price
Strife has a toll

Against the cold death
Beyond the blue beth
There is immortality
But it comes with a tag

We are afraid of it
Because we don't get it
And what we get
Is just what we don't want

So the question flashes back
And the answers head on


Cynicism is only an idealism, unfulfilled

That is what his stare has been saying to me all along
'At least I galloped - when did you?'

Year 2000: a figure of silence 
And a chair on wheels 
At an angle

"What do you want in life?"
I didn't know what to say 
But I couldn't help not giving her hope

And the question remains
So now you know

The day she came in, I entered a room
She was she, I was me
Then she became just her, and I was only me
She walked out, I freaked in - with me all by her

9 years of grief, 5 years of longing, a life of passion

She visits me, I travel to her
And we flow between no one to nothing
Filled with everything

Present doesn't exist
Past, only to serve the future
To cope or to conquer

I might not be there yet
But she is not here either
And that is, as she never left
Since the day she came in

She is not my hallucination
I am a delusion of her reality

Reality might be pretty, hallucinations are always prettier


What are V?
Who am  Eye?

Is it a neoplasia? Or the neo-plasma
Is it life? Or something like it

Every solution has a problem
Unless the problem is a solution itself
Its not a price, but the cost

Its not a tear in fabric 
But the fabric itself

Life is once, death is forever

Wrapped in shadows, beyond the opaque 
Inside the gray, and embedded in white
Lurks the repetitive denominator, the cumulative index
The central dogma, and the hidden agenda

Because the pixels are falling
And the cells are failing
Its only getting ugly 
And we are all dying out

In the rising tide 
And through the creeping mist
We search the clears

Because skies are to birds
As limits are to limited
Because when molecules boil 
Metaphors melt

Censor is like silence, to the senses
Its the death of sensibility
Its the hurt to sensitivity

Scream, please!

Talking circuits, whispering fluids
Bleeding thoughts, weeping soughts

Hidden lumps, poison chunks

Lymph rich, blood poor
Blood stitch, lymph tour

Broken tissues, master cells
Bleak masses, malignant streams
Odd stats, grim maths

Desperate plans, aberrant schemes

Pretty colors, dirty smells
Naughty faces, dotty eyes

In the deepening night
There was a darkening light
When death was multiplying, life had divided
Happiness had no choice, hope had no place

It is not sad when someone dies
It is sadder because everyone has to

So you see, it is the scent of a woman that I chase
On the road to everything
Off the tracks to nothing

Control is not a beginning, its an end
Its not a shift, but a trend

Its not a force of nature
But a meme of nurture

Memes are not choices, they are imperatives
Or are they?

Mutations are not erroneous outcomes
To be forbidden, and forgotten
But the elegant questions
To be laid and raised again


"So what is it all about?"
As I said, cancer
"Cancer as in cancer?"
No, cancer as in censor
"Censor, who?"
Cancer why

"Are you calling yourself cancer?"
No, I am calling you Capricorn

Our genes might not be our fate 
But they sure are the first determinant
Cancer is not a question of 200 growth-regulators 
Its an answer to the last dominant

A pathology that holds the key to physiology 
The one that bothers all of us - aging
A normality that is understood through the abnormal 
In the search for paranormal

We cannot cure cancer 
But we can beat it
And that is
Because we are the tumor itself 
The most malignant
Self-effacing, self-defeating

The exiled apes in denial - boneless, laughing bipeds
We walk on two, we talk on three; yet all of us have only one dilemma
Yes, the opposable thumb

What were you thinking?

So, cancer and the planet
It is all about breaking rules
Escaping mortality, dodging controls

Just like us

We are the cancer  
An unstoppable, exponentially replicating contradiction 
Of genetic mimicry and cultural memetics 

Stuck in the dance of defense and delusions 
Singing a duet of mortality and dreams

I can tell more. But are you listening?

Featured links: 
To Upgrade is Human - Gregory Stock
Memes and Temes - Susan Blackmore

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