"Hi, I am Quad
The dick machine
I churn out nuts
I turn in butts"
So, you guys want to judge me
Sure, it works
Well, I like my act
As the mother of United Bitch Snipers of Pack-toon-istan
I am hot

What about the rust?
You look cool
Arctic in drool
Will you like some tea?
Hey, dumbs of the world
I know my ways to the cookie-cutter application
Yeh, I do it on my terms
U p y o u r s, a l l

Mom: What would you like for lunch?
Yom: 70 bitches in heaven
Fuss: TroY, marry me. Please
Yuck: How about you buy me a Mac, and I'll fc*k you for free!
Fuss: Jerk, can you clean up kindly before you leave?
Yuck: Slurp, how about I set you dirty first and clean down second before I come?
Fuss: You can't answer a question with a question
Yuck: I can
Fuss: But its not fair
Yuck: I like the butt, fair. Or unfair. But a butt
Fuss: Ok, why do you like chicks in groups and chickens on a one-to-one basis?
Yuck: Because the soup is delicious that way
Fuss: Whatever
Yuck: See, we are all just old school or simply messed up. Change is good, you know. It helps bring back old memories
Fuss: Aww, so why do you fall for girls in troops and ladies in duels?
Yuck: No, girls in droops and ladies in duals.
Fuss: I like the video you made
Yuck: I like the video I'll make
Zeus: Mess!
Yuck: Yes
Fuss: Yuck!
Zeus: Duck!
Yes: Fc*k!!

by Sickmen Flawed
On face: No worries, it's just another sexual comedy
# Mortal, Motels, & More-tells (2, 3, 4, 5)
# Physiology: Something about the physics of living things
# Pathology: I like it erect with many thongs
# Biochemistry: Ok, I need a trip to the lab tonight
# Molecular/Cell: Yes, we all do
# Pharmacology: I like to hit it in the dark
# Microbiology: What can I say?
# Immunology: It's all in the hands
# Anatomy: And corpus caverns
# Neuroanatomy: Brains & nuts for supper, please
# Behavioral Science (1, 2, 3): The art of Sir Dirty Fraud
Qbank: The spirit of discovery
NBME simulation: The quirk of invention
Exam day: The horizons will expand in daylight
Tag: $ 99/99/99
Of course, it's all about approval
I am coming
How about a wedge sandwich?

It's not spontaneous combustion
You always need an ignition
To the fire beyond
Let me make it simpler
More sex, less butt-er
Featured link: A Gentler View of Success - Alain de Botton
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