"All high is low down up"
And that is not a metaphor
But hey, you are

Along the rising
Across the crumpled
Beyond the crippling
Inside the stifling
Cures in crazy looks
Shores of static hooks
An elated distance
The deluded clocks
A science in the pattern of arranged
An art in behaviors of deranged
Nature is selective. Nurture is defective
Welcome to B u l l s h i t !

Tonight, let me break down
The bald, bold and absurd
A self-effacing expression
Of the human condition
The paradox at the heart of our civilization
And the ones before us
More lives have been wasted to blood and mud
In the name of religion and women
In known human history than any other single identifiable cause
Viz a viz, control and sex
More like, control for sex
Most like, sex and sex
Countless ordinary men & the counted of greatest warriors ever
Religion and women
The only central dogma
A just hidden agenda
Isn't it?
But you know what
Believe what you like
Fc*k you all

May be I have always been the borderline
The one off the charts a little
On the darts the most
But you see,
Unlike more than 80% of 7 billion of us
I accept it more often than not
And guess what,
I am endowed with divine sublimation
What do you have?
You it: Public displays of human love laced with an overt expression of friendly transference avoids inevitable, deadly encounters between soul mates

You it: I say, a foursome is only the next stage in evolution
Do it: Perhaps, but I won't be a part of it
You it: What can I say?
Nature is selective
And I am just an architect. Or am I?
So, to the married couples
There might be no happiness left for you but there is always hope, to the right of you
Look hard, stare better
Here is the thing: women are different and dumb
Well, if you are a woman, then you'll find men same and deaf
It's all about the frame of reference
Perfectly alright with me though. I have always felt like a man
Ok, let me confuse you more
They are different, we are different
They are dumb, we are deaf
If we treat them the same, we turn into them
And that makes us both deaf and dumb!

What about me?
I go both ways
Do you have a problem with that?
I can solve it
I mean I'll try my best
Got it?
Good for you
So, what to do about it?
I say, have more sex, keep the sexual outside
And bring the sexist inside
Best wishes
You cannot win my respect by just being an asshole"
Oh, but you sure can. By just being a hole
Actually, two
Or three
Mom: You are predictably miserable
Yom: And you are miserably predictable

Yuck: Babes, sure. But fc*k me too
Zeus: I love your slang
Yuck: I love your glands!
Fuss: Hey, you are on my calendar
Yuck: Yes, but not in your bed
Fuss: Can I get my Eidi?
Yuck: Only in a shed
Zeus: You know, on Eid day, I went to the mall
Yuck: I just jerked off in the morning and gulped some sleep pills
Fuss: Well I did some real shopping, check it out
Yuck: I'd rather prefer you naked
Fuss: Suck, you are so full of yourself
Yuck: No, I am just full of blood

Zeus: Where!
Fuss: Where?
Yuck: In the groin
Fuss: Come to bed, then
Zeus: Sorry, he has a brain too
Fuss: Oh, only two organs
Yuck: Yeh. But blood for only one, at a time

Yuck: I am not. I am mad
Fuss: I am there for you. I got veggies and sweets!
Yuck: I got dirty and creeps
Fuss: Will you do me forever, if I do you once?
Yuck: Let's see. Blow me first!
Zeus: I'll do that, too
Yuck: I'll love you, two
PS: Bullshit works
Thanks for jacking off
Featured link: Reading Each Other's Mind - Rebecca Saxe
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