"You can either mourn a death or death each mourn
We shall either life a moan or moan every life
They will either own some finite or finite all own
I chose the first, and I did the later
Yet if you look close
I did the first, and chose the later
You know why
Because I will never forget the turn of a decade
As it might be the twist of a century
At least that's what I want it to be"
... and then the l y m p h, ate her away

Surgery 2.0
On eyes, off hands, in the mind
A near fatal error, the far natal mistake
Clutching on a drowning straw
Drowning in a bloody bra
More action for you, less comedy for me
"Would you like to cut the cake?"
A primitive warrior in an information age
A modern architect from a period of neoliths
A constant dreamer to the era in quantum
With the eyes of a tiger
Through the hands of a spider
In the minds of a rider***
Pain is my cure, blood is my curse
Life is my wish, death is my destiny
Today, the surgery gene
I move fast
I clean up nice
Yeah, that's just because I like to
With blood in my eyes
And pain in my hands
I Leonidas
The Superman
Re-invented Nietzsche
I travel time
I bend space

I rip the matter
I score the energy
I break barriers
I weave dreams
I build demons
I play knives
I fight molecules
I dive an abyss
I creep the crypt
I cut all cancers
You just build hearts
Do you?
I fix many guts
You only peep brains
Don't I?
On the stage of life
I am a stud of acts
In an orchestra of mortality
Control is my hope
Freak is my desire
Eternal is my delusion
Finite is my reality

I fight, I play & I think
But I always move on
I died once
I die again
But I will never stop
Until I do
da Vinci® FDA* approved: Each discovery leads to an invention, unless the invention is a discovery itself

Red masks, gray skin & black eyes
Rocks, rhythms & mysteries
Do 'em, string 'em & crack 'em
Here is how it works
Let's dance tonight
And trance tomorrow
The Cooked Monster
Featured link: Surgery's Past, Present & Future - Catherine Mohr
* Foreign Diplomatic Academy
*** In theater (and musical art), rider is a set of requests or demands that a performer will set as criteria for performance
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