"One mysterious moment before space and time, the cat in a box of uncertainty took the quantum leap and ripped through the general relativity. It moved in a space of infinite black energy filling it with dark matter treading the light speeds"
Silence was killed, time stood still
And space distilled

In the moment of creation
A cosmos was born
And a universe was made
May be unfairly fair
To some of them
But fairly unfair
To all of us
Every beginning has an end
Except when the beginning is an end in itself
Welcome to the cosmic bizarre
We offer infinitely ever-expanding nothingness here
Inviting riddles, lusting depths
Smothering condensation, smouldering saturation
All relative to the speed of a constant
God just loves the dice
Doesn't he?
From C a r b - O n 2 S i l l y - C o n:
the Ditch-hacker's Guide to Venus, en route Mars
Knight begins
The blue illusion fades
The dark collision spades

Shadows farmed
Shades formed
Lights transformed
Beyond the darkness
Inside a silence
Through the trance
Eternity is breached
Truth is reached
Mr. & Miss Stephen Hawking
Welcome to the brief history of spatial mechanics
I meant special
Quiet special
Say hi, be nice

It goes with the bling
Y = mc ^ squeezed & squared
c is the only constant
In this equation
And the just hope of real
In that equilibrium
Yet not
The sight for right
The fight for might
The height for dings
The dongs for flight
Everything bound by a system
Imprisoned in the dismal frame of subjugation
Everyone stuck in the drab
Of a realm called entropy nation
Opens are airy
Closed are dreary
And then the intriguing isolated
Insanely idiotic, ideal approximations
Of what is merely a quest for unreal

In the existential streams
Of consciousness
The bordered numbers
Of crunchiness
And the murdered dreams
Of drunkenness
In the dynamics of heat
Open systems give origins
Closed ones take endings
And the isolated others, soak up the chaos in equalities
Keeping the universe in a balance of hope and priority
Yet giving away to an array of darkness and singularity
But again,

The connected singularities
In the erected duel-ities
And the ejected similarities
The sheered sadness
The shared madness
The abysmal black holes
Or infinitesimal lack balls
And the dismal light bulbs
A grand bowl with matter and energy
A great brawl of metal and synergy
A diagonal dope of intersecting heresies
An ethereal scope of satanic varices
A finite loop of triangular verses
An eternal soup of parallel uni-versus
Every star tells a tale

It starts in a cloud
Of gas and dust
Uncharted and trackless
Diffused and confused
A scattered metallurgy
In a terrible atrophy
Through a horrible dystrophy
And a gaping silence
Within the cosmos
Age is the price of growing richer
Churning denser
Getting better
Yet worse
So, a dark in the bright?
Or some light in the dark
Throw a sin
Show a sign
Die ugly!

Seek patrol, some of that
Lose control, all of this
Every stare, in a story
Each score, in a scary
They greed a nova
The desire a supernova
They hate a Casanova
A comical paradox or a tragic irony?
Oceans can rise
Fires could deep
Carbon will burn
Copper would melt
Oil shall blow
Gold should sleep
To everything
In nothing

Just a blue dot
And the pale star
A separated crudity
In a defamed dunge-on
Featured link: Our Place in Cosmos - David Deutsch
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