Wednesday, September 30, 2009

3a #2 Surgery Spins (1a)

"What walks on four feet in the morning
Two in the afternoon
And three at night?"

A trip to the Greek museum
And some tales from real mythology

The gods, the heroes & the mortals
All of them & more

Its  P r e h i s t o r y

X, Y, Z #1

: Fly with me and I'll take you beyond the orbit
Zephyr: Why?

Oedipus: Because then it will just be you and the universe
Zephyr: I like that

Oedipus: Ok, so will you lick me now?

Zephyr: I have estrogen
Oedipus: I have nitric oxide

Zephyr: I want to teach you
Oedipus: Sure, that is my greatest fantasy

Zephyr: Just the greatest?
Oedipus: Well, may be the first one ever, the last or the latest

Zephyr: Same thing
Oedipus: No, similar

Zephyr: I'll ride you day and night
Oedipus: I'll take you days and you can give me nights


Oedipus: Of course, we can always wax and wane our copulate in time and number. I have a social gene. We can buy bangles in groups, once a month may be. It keeps things exciting

Zephyr: But I thought you just wanted a room, a scalpel & some skin
Oedipus: That's because I am an extrovert. I share myself with the world to seek isolation

Zephyr: Oh, I get it. You mean multiple sexual partners in groups!
Oedipus: Yeh, what else would I mean?

Oedipus: I say, multiple. I like them in odd numbers. It's my fetish for the trinity in my genitals and accessories

Zephyr: Wow, respect please
Oedipus: Respect is misunderstood

Zephyr: So, where to now?
Oedipus: Fire, air, water, earth - everything for you

Zephyr: Hey, not so fast

Oedipus: Hah, remember I am a surgeon. I go fast, I finish early

Zephyr: Ok, what is your taste in groups?
Oedipus: I am into smells. You can taste though

Zephyr: Excuse me?
Oedipus: Surgery - we work with a team but one has to do the real thing himself

Zephyr: Oh, ok

Oedipus: It should be either pretty with no chatter, or wired with sensual live poetry. No one from the medical and surgical world.
They are all boring

Zephyr: Really?
Oedipus: Except the fresh interns with shiny skins, nice hair & hunger for success. And may be sometimes the hot shot oldies

Zephyr: Yikes
Oedipus: The likes from MSK, MD Anderson, Columbia, Harvard, Yale, MIT, Princeton & may be Stanford (only the rich cocksuckers from the last one)

Zephyr: Wow
Oedipus: Yeh, I get that a lot

Zephyr: You have a big appetite
Oedipus: No, I have a deep thirst. The appetite is you

Zephyr: So, you are afraid that life's short

Oedipus: Aren't you? Aren't we all? I say, let's stretch it

Zephyr: You are hungry and sleepless
Oedipus: You are sphingid and creepless

Zephyr: I don't believe you
Oedipus: Cindy, I can lift you a thousand times over for that

Zephyr: Stop imagining me in bed
Oedipus: You stop imagining me naked

Zephyr: Urine!
Oedipus: You are in

Zephyr: You don't even know what the real is
Oedipus: I am your kid. See, you don't know what the unreal is. We are even

*Silence* (Zephyr pretending to be busy in work)

Oedipus: This is what I know - thing about reality shows, they are neither real nor shows

Zephyr: Murree sucks!
Oedipus: Exactly

Zephyr: So what now?
Oedipus: Sex, shrinking waist

Zephyr: And?
Oedipus: sEx, inflating ego

Zephyr: Come on, I am a surgeon
Oedipus: seX, X-Y-Z


Odysseus: You are too dumb for me to bear
Oedipus: No, I am too crazy for you to hear

Odysseus: I am the champion of Trojans, the king of Ithaca, the warrior of Iliad, and the hero of Odyssey. What are you?

Oedipus: I am the child of swollen sea, the king in exile, the Sphinx's riddle, the holy wanderer, and the blind truth seeker

Odysseus: I am Homer's mortal, who can never be forgotten
Oedipus: I am Caesar's hero, who will never be understood

Odysseus: You are a neurotic perversion
Oedipus: You are a psychotic hatred

Odysseus: You are God's failed attempt
Oedipus: You are man's hailed contempt

Odysseus: I have everything to cherish
Oedipus: I have nothing to lose

Odysseus: I am the cream of them all
Oedipus: I have the dreams of that all

Odysseus: I have had every wish granted
Oedipus: I have had each curse realized

Odysseus: My name is the symbol of my pride
Oedipus: Or just an excuse of hypocrisy - a cynical exercise to your lineage

Odysseus: You seek chaos
Oedipus: No, I breach order

Odysseus: What a waste!
Oedipus: Wasted

Odysseus: I am tired of you
Oedipus: You are scared of me

Odysseus: False. You can't win anything from me
Oedipus: True. I can't lose anything to you


That night, they started their journeys along the two roads - diverging in a wood

With them, they had no answers
Only questions

Who changed whom?
Who killed whom?
Who evolved whom?

The sick, or the patient
The mocker, or the docker
The rocker, or the clocker
The twisted, or the curved
The healer, or the cured

In the deepening darkness, they feared that it is a deja vu
But it was a vuja de

At one point in some falling moments of those rising hours
There was a first drop of rain

The answer they had found, was staring at them long before
The quest had even started

"Lame, weird & lonely - what kind of a hero is he?
... simply, out of sorts
Just like you!

For the one who fights the raging monsters in sleepless nights
The one should see to it
That when you gaze deep down
Long in the abyss

The abyss stares back into you, as well

So there is only one question: was it them or the abyss?"

And then they stared back, but it was an end

Featured link: A Curious Eye Looks Back only, at a Curious Viewer - Golan Levin

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