Wednesday, September 30, 2009

3a #2 Surgery Spins (1a)

"What walks on four feet in the morning
Two in the afternoon
And three at night?"

A trip to the Greek museum
And some tales from real mythology

The gods, the heroes & the mortals
All of them & more

Its  P r e h i s t o r y

Friday, September 25, 2009

4 #1 BS: The Art of Sir Dirty Fraud

"All high is low down up"

And that is not a metaphor
But hey, you are

Beside a deepening
Along the rising

Across the crumpled
Beyond the crippling
Inside the stifling

Cures in crazy looks
Shores of static hooks

An elated distance
The deluded clocks

A science in the pattern of arranged
An art in behaviors of deranged

Nature is selective. Nurture is defective

Welcome to  B u l l s h i t !

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

2 #4 Of Rhythms & Resolutions

"One mysterious moment before space and time, the cat in a box of uncertainty took the quantum leap and ripped through the general relativity. It moved in a space of infinite black energy filling it with dark matter treading the light speeds"

Silence was killed, time stood still
And space distilled

In the moment of creation
A cosmos was born
And a universe was made

May be unfairly fair
To some of them
But fairly unfair
To all of us

Every beginning has an end
Except when the beginning is an end in itself

Welcome to the cosmic bizarre
We offer infinitely ever-expanding nothingness here

Inviting riddles, lusting depths
Smothering condensation, smouldering saturation

All relative to the speed of a constant

God just loves the dice
Doesn't he?

From C a r b - O n 2 S i l l y - C o n:
the Ditch-hacker's Guide to Venus, en route Mars

# 4 # Charlie Kaplan: Question, Answers & Exclamations

"Hi, I am Quad
The dick machine
I churn out nuts
I turn in butts"

So, you guys want to judge me
Sure, it works

Well, I like my act
As the mother of United Bitch Snipers of Pack-toon-istan

I am hot
Acidic on crotch

What about the rust?

You look cool
Arctic in drool

Will you like some tea?

Hey, dumbs of the world
I know my ways to the cookie-cutter application

Yeh, I do it on my terms

U p  y o u r s, a l l

Sunday, September 13, 2009

2 #8 Conversations with Dr. Cockroach: (1) The Al-might-its

"Hi, kneel or no kneel?"
Sorry, that is not even a question

Doctor Cockroach now
I am here to talk
I can walk too
I have many legs

I was almighty
I am Al-might-g

Size the left tits
All the right bits

I am red in tooth & claw
The eye is blue in truth & law

Welcome to Natural Selection

Of poaching the Roach
Through the most fatal meme ever
With the great storyteller never
And the blind Watchmaker himself

Survival of the fittest?
Fittest of the Survivors

Shadows feed me
Summers creed me
Winters seed me
Radiation treads me

And then
Through the cockroach eyes
Arabian de-lights
Black, sugary & dipped in all divine

"Lots & goats, tonight I take you to the end of a species
And a rise of the specials"

B e g i n

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

3a #1 Surge-ons: Warriors, Architects & Rangers

"You can either mourn a death or death each mourn
We shall either life a moan or moan every life
They will either own some finite or finite all own

I chose the first, and I did the later
Yet if you look close
I did the first, and chose the later

You know why
Because I will never forget the turn of a decade
As it might be the twist of a century
At least that's what I want it to be"

... and then the l y m p h, ate her away