"What walks on four feet in the morning
Two in the afternoon
And three at night?"

A trip to the Greek museum
And some tales from real mythology
The gods, the heroes & the mortals
All of them & more
Its P r e h i s t o r y
I am inside you & outside you, you are the thing in between (2000-2010)
"What walks on four feet in the morning
Two in the afternoon
And three at night?"
Its P r e h i s t o r y
"All high is low down up"
And that is not a metaphor
But hey, you are
Welcome to B u l l s h i t !
"One mysterious moment before space and time, the cat in a box of uncertainty took the quantum leap and ripped through the general relativity. It moved in a space of infinite black energy filling it with dark matter treading the light speeds"
From C a r b - O n 2 S i l l y - C o n:
the Ditch-hacker's Guide to Venus, en route Mars
"Hi, I am Quad
The dick machine
I churn out nuts
I turn in butts"
U p y o u r s, a l l
"Hi, kneel or no kneel?"
Sorry, that is not even a question
"Lots & goats, tonight I take you to the end of a species
And a rise of the specials"
B e g i n
"You can either mourn a death or death each mourn
We shall either life a moan or moan every life
They will either own some finite or finite all own
I chose the first, and I did the later
Yet if you look close
I did the first, and chose the later
You know why
Because I will never forget the turn of a decade
As it might be the twist of a century
At least that's what I want it to be"
... and then the l y m p h, ate her away